The Power Law: Venture Capital and the Making of the New Future – Sebastian Mallaby · 塞巴斯蒂安·马拉
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英文原版:《The Power Law: Venture Capital and the Making of the New Future》PDF MOBI EPUB 格式电子书
英文有声书:《The Power Law: Venture Capital and the Making of the New Future》 Narrated by: Will Damron · Length: 16 hrs and 53 mins
中文简体:《风险投资史》PDF MOBI EPUB 格式电子书
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封面 Cover
- 《The Power Law – Venture Capital and the Making of the New Future》
- 风险投资史
简介 Intro
<The Power Law: Venture Capital and the Making of the New Future>《风险投资史》—— Sebastian Mallaby · 塞巴斯蒂安·马拉比
“A gripping fly-on-the-wall story of the rise of this unique and important insrcstry based on extensive interviews with some of the most successful venture capitalists.”—Daniel Rasmussen, Wall Street Journal
“A must-read for anyone seeking to understand modern-day Silicon Valley and even our economy writ large.”—Bethany McLean, The Washington Post
\”A rare and unsettling look inside a subculture of unparalleled influence.”—Jane Mayer
\”A classic…A book of exceptional reporting, analysis and storytelling.”—Charles Duhigg
From the New York Times best-selling author of More Money Than God comes the astonishingly frank and intimate story of Silicon Valley’s dominant venture-capital firms—and how their strategies and fates have shaped the path of innovation and the global economy
Innovations rarely come from “experts.” Elon Musk was not an “electric car person” before he started Tesla. When it comes to improbable innovations, a legendary tech VC told Sebastian Mallaby, the future cannot be predicted, it can only be discovered. It is the nature of the venture-capital game that most attempts at discovery fail, but a very few succeed at such a scale that they more than make up for everything else. That extreme ratio of success and failure is the power law that drives the VC business, all of Silicon Valley, the wider tech sector, and, by extension, the world.
In The Power Law, Sebastian Mallaby has parlayed unprecedented access to the most celebrated venture capitalists of all time—the key figures at Sequoia, Kleiner Perkins, Accel, Benchmark, and Andreessen Horowitz, as well as Chinese partnerships such as Qiming and Capital Today—into a riveting blend of storytelling and analysis that unfurls the history of tech incubation, in the Valley and ultimately worldwide. We learn the unvarnished truth, often for the first time, about some of the most iconic triumphs and infamous disasters in Valley history, from the comedy of errors at the birth of Apple to the avalanche of venture money that fostered hubris at WeWork and Uber.
VCs’ relentless search for grand slams brews an obsession with the ideal of the lone entrepreneur-genius, and companies seen as potential “unicorns” are given intoxicating amounts of power, with sometimes disastrous results. On a more systemic level, the need to make outsized bets on unproven talent reinforces bias, with women and minorities still represented at woefully low levels. This does not just have social justice implications: as Mallaby relates, China’s homegrown VC sector, having learned at the Valley’s feet, is exploding and now has more women VC luminaries than America has ever had. Still, Silicon Valley VC remains the top incubator of business innovation anywhere—it is not where ideas come from so much as where they go to become the prosrccts and companies that create the future. By taking us so deeply into the VCs’ game, The Power Law helps us think about our own future through their eyes.
- 如果你只能读一本关于风险投资的书,那么请读这本。
- ●这是风险投资真实运作的故事。在很多人的印象里,风险投资一直是神话般的存在,掌握着改变风向和创造巨额财富的密码。这本书可以帮助你打开风险投资神话般的外壳,如穿越时间的虫洞般,窥见其中关于人性、时代、财富甚至资本善恶的秘密。它将硅谷传奇企业与人物的故事与对风投行业发展脉络的洞见交织起来,首度权威揭秘硅谷指数级技术革命背后的千亿资本运作实情。
- ●它揭示了驱动风投行业、整个硅谷乃至整个世界的基本原理——指数法则。风投的蕞大秘密是蕞佳投资所创回报等于或超过基金其他部分的收益总和。成功虽是罕见的,但成功所带来的影响力却是变革性的。也正因如此,风险投资家总是有着异乎常人的洞察力和直觉,有着对于风险的偏好和对失败的宽容,他们面对巨大的不确定性敢于大举押注。对于他们而言,那些看似疯狂的梦想,越是大胆、越是看起来不可能,就越有价值。风险投资不只是一个生意,也是一种能带来社会进步的方法、思维方式和哲学,通过大胆支持勇敢的创新者来更好满足人类的需求和欲望,甚至可以说,风险投资本身就是巨大的创新。
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一本关于VC行业权威详实又非常可读的记录。作为《富可敌国》的作者,Sebastian写这种题材可谓是信手拈来。对于硅谷主要的VC firm和打法流派的起源历史介绍得简明扼要而又不失趣味,是一本VC从业者必读的好书
里面的很多历史经验都已是今日common knowledge,但是有些总结的金句还是很有价值。了解一下历史才会更容易理解趋势吧
从vc最早如何诞生(仙童半导体)讲起,讲述了红杉、kpcb、anel、benchmark、孙正义、老虎基金、Yuri milner、yc、a16z、founders fund等背后的故事,每个巨头都为vc发展贡献了独特的发展模式。值得一提的是,作者还cover了今日资本徐新、林夏如、启明以及沈南鹏等的故事。
2022年度风投着述最佳专着, 编年史式之作, 爬梳程度细腻详尽至极, 令人惊叹. VC一路发展从MIT到Stanford, 东海岸跨越西海岸终花落硅谷, Sequoia、KPCB早期投资到为所投企业寻觅成熟CEO至业务搭桥铺路, 投前投后尽心尽力, 呵护备至. 继而Peter Thiel 成立Founders Fund, 其投资风格迥异, 全力支持创始人. DST、Tiger、SoftBank一反投资方式, 大力加注, 抬高企业估值, 反观WeWork、Uber等创始人乱用职权竞而离席而去, 以及对比Y Combinator、Benchmark Capital、Andreessen Horowitz ( a16z) 投资风格, 后续凸显Sequoia精进之道, 读来令人大呼过瘾.
作者 Author
Sebastian Mallaby · 塞巴斯蒂安·马拉比
Sebastian Mallaby is the Paul Volcker Senior Fellow in International Economics at the Council on Foreign Relations and a Washington Post columnist. He spent thirteen years on The Economist magazine, covering international finance in London and serving as the bureau chief in southern Africa, Japan, and Washington. He spent eight years on the editorial board of The Washington Post, focusing on globalization and political economy. His previous books are The World\’s Banker (2004), which was named as an Editor\’s Choice by The New York Times, and After Apartheid (1992), which was a New York Times Notable Book.
美国外交关系委员会保罗·沃尔克国际经济高阶研究员,曾任《金融时报》编辑并两度获得新闻领域的“奥斯卡”普利策奖。其着作包括《格林斯潘传》(The Man Who Knew)、《富可敌国》(More Money Than God)等。