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《Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?》 – 朱莉·史密斯 Dr. Julie Smith – 为什么没人早点告诉我? Audiobook 有

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英文原版:《Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?》PDF MOBI EPUB 格式电子书

英文有声书:《Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?》 Narrated by: Julie Smith · Length: 7 hrs and 16 mins

中文简体:《为什么没人早点告诉我?》PDF MOBI EPUB 格式电子书


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封面 Cover
《Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?》 – 朱莉·史密斯 Dr. Julie Smith – 为什么没人早点告诉我? Audiobook 有声书 –
《Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?》
《Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?》 – 朱莉·史密斯 Dr. Julie Smith – 为什么没人早点告诉我? Audiobook 有声书 –

简介 Intro

<Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?>《为什么没人早点告诉我?》—— 朱莉·史密斯 Dr. Julie Smith

“Smart, insightful, and warm. Dr. Julie is both the expert and wise friend we all need.” (Lori Gottlieb, New York Times best-selling author of Maybe You Should Talk to Someone and cohost of the Dear Therapists podcast)

Drawing on years of experience as a clinical psychologist, online sensation Dr. Julie Smith provides the skills you need to navigate common life challenges and take charge of your emotional and mental health in her debut book.

Filled with secrets from a therapist\’s toolkit, Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before teaches you how to fortify and maintain your mental health, even in the most trying of times. Dr. Julie Smith’s expert advice and powerful coping techniques will help you stay resilient, whether you want to manage anxiety, deal with criticism, cope with depression, build self-confidence, find motivation, or learn to forgive yourself. Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before tackles everyday issues and offers practical solutions in bite-sized, easy-to-digest entries that make it easy to quickly find specific information and guidance.

Your mental well-being is just as important as your physical well-being. Packed with proven strategies, Dr. Julie’s empathetic guide offers a deeper understanding of how your mind works and gives you the insights and help you need to nurture your mental health every day. Wise and practical, Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before might just change your life.

  • 人生中的事分为两类,你能控制的,你不能控制的。
  • 不能控制的包括:已发生的事,你的记忆,别人的感觉,别人怎么想,别人怎么说,别人的看法,别人的行为,别人如何回应你,政治决策,全球发展方向,衰老,失去亲人,生病,天气……
  • 能控制的包括:你的行为,你的应对方式,你的价值观和目标,你的界限,你的信仰,你关注什么,你如何处理自己的情绪,你如何度过休闲时间,你选择谁做朋友,你的生活方式,你为实现目标而采取的行动,你如何维持身心健康,你怎样为错误行为承担后果,你如何表达你的需求……
  • 心理治疗就是帮助你更好地控制你能控制的事。
  • 这本书中分享的方法是在心理治疗中经常使用的,经多年临床验证有效,但它们并不专用于治疗,而是适用于生活中的方方面面,帮助我们了解大脑和身体的工作机制,了解思维是如何运作的,了解如何管理自己的日常心理健康,用更有效的方式来处理情绪,构建强大的复原力,度过人生中的艰难时刻。


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《Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?》 – 朱莉·史密斯 Dr. Julie Smith – 为什么没人早点告诉我? Audiobook 有声书 –

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被好朋友推荐的书,一开始看self help不是很看得进去,渐渐的读着觉得实操性还蛮强。


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