CEO Excellence: The Six Mindsets That Distinguish the Best Leaders from the Rest – Carolyn Dew
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《CEO Excellence – The Six Mindsets That Distinguish the Best Leaders from the Rest》
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<CEO Excellence: The Six Mindsets That Distinguish the Best Leaders from the Rest>—— Carolyn Dewar, Scott Keller, Vikram Malhotra
New York Times Bestseller
Wall Street Journal Bestseller
From the world’s most influential management consulting firm, McKinsey & Company, this is an insight-packed, revelatory look at how the best CEOs do their jobs based on extensive interviews with today’s most successful corporate leaders—including chiefs at Netflix, JPMorgan Chase, General Motors, and Sony.
Being a CEO at any of the world’s largest companies is among the most challenging roles in business. Billions, and even trillions, are at stake—and the fates of tens of thousands of employees often hang in the balance. Yet, even when “can’t miss” high-achievers win the top job, very few excel. Thirty percent of Fortune 500 CEOs last fewer than three years, and two out of five new CEOs are perceived to be failing within eighteen months.
For those who shoulder the burden of being the one on whom everyone counts, a manual for excellence is sorely needed.
To identify the 21st century’s best CEOs, the authors of CEO Excellence started with a pool of over 2400 public company CEOs. Extensive screening distilled that group into an elite corps, sixty-seven of whom agreed to in-depth, multi-hour interviews. Among those sharing their views: Jamie Dimon (JPMorgan Chase), Satya Nadella (Microsoft), Reed Hastings (Netflix), Kazuo Hirai (Sony), Ken Chenault (American Express), Mary Barra (GM), and Peter Brabeck-Letmathe (Nestlé).
What came out of those frank, no-holds-barred conversations is a rich array of mindsets and actions that deliver outsized performance. Compelling, practical, and unprecedented in scope, CEO Excellence is a treasure trove of wisdom from today’s most elite business leaders.
关键词:CEO Excellence;
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读者评论 Readers\’ Comments
Excellent overview of leadership in business. The \’Good to Great\’ of leadership.
Set the direction
Align the organisation
Mobilise through leaders
Engage the board
Connect with stakeholders
Manage personal effectiveness.I think without the 6th one, the others aren\’t truly possible.
I really liked \”CEO Excellence\” by Carolyn Dewar. It can be thought of as a mini-MBA course, as its value extends beyond the C-suite and contains valuable lessons for everyone in corporate America. Dewar, and her writing partners, sought to create a book which details the difference between okay-CEO\’s, and those that are truly great.
Good to great on steroids.
Evidenced examples that serve as an amazing guidance to the ones who have a CEO role in a growing company. Explains the huge importance of things we don’t really think of like culture, time management, crisis management and board engagement. Took a lot of notes and will definitely come back to it for guidance.
作者 Author
Carolyn Dewar, Scott Keller, Vikram Malhotra