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Dictionary of Finance and Investment Terms – 约翰•道恩斯(John Downes)/ 乔丹•艾略特•古德曼(Jordan Elliot Goo

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英文版本:《Dictionary of Finance and Investment Terms (9th Edition)》PDF MOBI EPUB 电子书

中文版本:《巴伦金融投资词典(原书第8版)》扫描版本 PDF 电子书

封面 Cover

Dictionary of Finance and Investment Terms – 约翰•道恩斯(John Downes)/ 乔丹•艾略特•古德曼(Jordan Elliot Goodman)巴伦金融投资词典 – (dictionary怎么读) (dictionary中文谐音)

Dictionary of Finance and Investment Terms

简介 Intro

Dictionary of Finance and Investment Terms / 巴伦金融投资词典 —— 约翰•道恩斯(John Downes) / 乔丹•艾略特•古德曼(Jordan Elliot Goodman)

More than 5,000 terms related to stocks, bonds, mutual funds, banking, tax laws, and transactions in the various financial markets are presented alphabetically with descriptions. The new Ninth edition has been updated to take account of new financial regulations and recent dramatic swings in equities, credit, and other financial resources. Readers will also find a list of financial abbreviations and acronyms, as well as illustrative diagrams and charts. Hereas a valuable short-entry dictionary for business students, as well as for office reference and the home bookshelves of private investors.

《巴伦金融投资词典(第8版)》英汉双解,适应社会各个阶层人士需要。本第8版站在全球的高度,以一个全新的视角来审视21世纪的金融和投资,取代了《巴伦金融投资词典》的以前版本。收录金融与投资专业词条5 000余条,内容涉及股票、债券、银行、公司金融、税法、共同基金等方面。 国际着名出版商巴伦(Barron’s);其长销不衰的市场表现,内容的实用性和权威性,以及条文释义的准确性,得到了专业人士的普遍认可。


截图预览 Screenshot Preview

Dictionary of Finance and Investment Terms – 约翰•道恩斯(John Downes)/ 乔丹•艾略特•古德曼(Jordan Elliot Goodman)巴伦金融投资词典 – (dictionary怎么读) (dictionary中文谐音)

Dictionary of Finance and Investment Terms – 截图(点击放大)

 读者评论  Readers\’ Comments


 作者 Author

约翰•道恩斯(John Downes)

《战胜道琼斯》(Beating the Dow)一书的合着者,金融领域的自由撰稿人,AVCO金融服务公司的前任副总裁,现任职于纽约市经济发展办公室。

乔丹•艾略特•古德曼(Jordan Elliot Goodman)

《掌控你的债务》(Master Your Debt)、《在经济不景气中快速赢利》(Fast Profits in Hard Times)、《掌控你的资金类型》(Master Your Money Type)、《人人理财》(Everyone’s Money Book)的作者,语音美国商务网《货币问答》栏目的主持人,网站Moneyanswers.com的创建者,《市场晨报》(Marketplace Morning Report)的前任金融评论员,时代华纳公司MONEY杂志的前任驻华尔街通讯记者,NBC早间新闻栏目的前任金融评论员。经常出席美国各大电视和广播节目,担任点评嘉宾。



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