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英文版本:《My Brilliant Friend》 PDF MOBI EPUB 格式电子书
英文有声书 Audiobook Narrated by: Hillary Huber · Length: 12 hrs and 38 mins
中文版本:《我的天才女友》PDF MOBI EPUB 电子书
附送:《The Neapolitan Novels》PDF MOBI EPUB 电子书,其中包括:
- 《My Brilliant Friend》
- 《The Story of a New Name》
- 《Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay》
- 《The Story of the Lost Child》
附送:《那不勒斯四部曲》PDF MOBI EPUB 电子书,其中包括:
音频预览 Preview
封面 Poster
- 《My Brilliant Friend》
- 《The Neapolitan Novels》
简介 Intro
《My Brilliant Friend》—— 埃莱娜·费兰特(Elena Ferrante)
My Brilliant Friend is a rich, intense, and generous-hearted story about two friends, Elena and Lila. Ferrante’s inimitable style lends itself perfectly to a meticulous portrait of these two women that is also the story of a nation and a touching meditation on the nature of friendship. The story begins in the 1950s, in a poor but vibrant neighborhood on the outskirts of Naples. Growing up on these tough streets the two girls learn to rely on each other ahead of anyone or anything else. As they grow, as their paths repeatedly diverge and converge, Elena and Lila remain best friends whose respective destinies are reflected and refracted in the other. They are likewise the embodiments of a nation undergoing momentous change. Through the lives of these two women, Ferrante tells the story of a neighborhood, a city, and a country as it is transformed in ways that, in turn, also transform the relationship between her protagonists, the unforgettable Elena and Lila. Ferrante is the author of three previous works of critically acclaimed fiction: The Days of Abandonment, Troubling Love, and The Lost Daughter. With this novel, the first in a quartet, she proves herself to be one of Italy’s great storytellers. She has given her readers a masterfully plotted page-turner, abundant and generous in its narrative details and characterizations, that is also a stylish work of literary fiction destined to delight her many fans and win new readers to her fiction.
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读者评论 Readers\’ Comments
有声书听完了。意大利名字发音也太准确了吧,根本记不住…除了lila和elena完全没分清谁是谁… 去读中文版了。
看过中文版再读英文版 有时感觉好像随着每一行字的阅读大脑在自动地轻声朗读着中文 脑海中的画面感更加强烈了 也开始更好地理解这个故事
我猜测Elena Ferrante肯定是女性作家,只有女性才能对女性的命运如此感同身受。英文版非常好读,文字情节都非常流畅,女性角色的塑造都很立体。在残酷的世界,女性如果不聪明一点,真的寸步难行。非常期待接下来的故事。电视剧也拍的很好,正在看。
一开始只觉得是一本可读性很高的小说,结果完全被每一个小人物每一个细碎的情节迷住,可能Elena Ferrante太会捕捉小镇以及女孩成长的一切了,我的童年少年和义大利小乡镇的人生影影绰绰地重合。所有人认识所有人,父辈的恩怨延续到子女,厌恶尘土飞扬的街巷的人有的走了出去有的转身融入。我爱Lila,没有人不爱她。但是故事的叙述者不是「主人公」,在舞台一侧凝视永远打不在自己身上的聚光灯是什么感觉呢?我只知道和Lenù一起心痛。
作者 Author
埃莱娜·费兰特(Elena Ferrante)
Elena Ferrante is the author of The Days of Abandonment (Europa, 2005), Troubling Love (Europa, 2006), The Lost Daughter (Europa, 2008) and the Neapolitan Quartet (Europa 2012-2015). She is also the author of a children’s picture book illustrated by Mara Cerri, The Beach at Night.
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