7 Rules of Power: Surprising But True Advice on How to Get Things Done and Advance Your Career-PDF
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7 Rules of Power
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《7 Rules of Power: Surprising – But True – Advice on How to Get Things Done and Advance Your Career》—— Jeffrey Pfeffer
If you want to \”change lives, change organizations, change the world,\” the Stanford business school’s motto, you need power.
Is power the last dirty secret or the secret to success? Both. While power carries some negative connotations, power is a tool that can be used for good or evil. Don’t blame the tool for how some people used it.
If fully understood and harnessed effectively, power skills and understanding become the keys to increasing salaries, job satisfaction, career advancement, organizational change, and, happiness. In 7 Rules of Power, Jeffrey Pfeffer, professor of organizational behavior at the Stanford University Grasrcate School of Business, provides the insights that have made both his online and on-campus classes incredibly popular—with life-changing results often achieved in 8 or 10 weeks.
Rooted firmly in social science research, Pfeffer’s 7 rules provide a manual for increasing your ability to get things done, including increasing the positive effects of your job performance.
The 7 rules are:
- Get out of your own way.
- Break the rules.
- Show up in powerful fashion.
- Create a powerful brand.
- Network relentlessly.
- Use your power.
- Understand that once you have acquired power, what you did to get it will be forgiven, forgotten, or both.
With 7 Rules of Power, you’ll learn, through both numerous examples as well as research evidence, how to accomplish change in your organization, your life, the lives of others, and the world.
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万维刚精英日课5解读 权力是人类认知缺陷的产物:有盲从才有权力。如果人人都是科学家,大家做任何事都只认逻辑和事实,我同意跟你去做这件事完全是因为我也认为这么做是对的,那不叫权力。权力是你理解要执行,不理解也要执行。 你不理解,还执行,这不就是盲从吗?所有权力规则背后都有一个条件,那就是盲目追随。人们在面对不确定性的时候,自己不敢拿主意,非得让别人下决心,乃至于对这个人产生盲目相信,是这种认知缺陷导致了权力。 所以权力游戏的本质就是想方设法利用别人的认知缺陷。说白了就是欺负老实人,仗着别人不懂就去占便宜。
很有启发。Get out of your own way. 最大的敌人永远都是自己。
a bit pragmatic approach, better than those idealized Business School BS
非常震撼的一本书,对权力的比较客观的分析以及寻求权力之路的建议。书中提供了很多案例,有较好的指导意义。描述很反传统、反常规,但确实Power corrupts…与很多领导力相关的常识相反的观点,但确是真实世界。特别是对规则的态度,深入文化、价值观的准则,对人的限制太大了。但确实可以看到一些现实中的影子…书中描述了很多现象,提炼了一些建议,但关于本质的思考和论述还可以更深入一些。在位的权力和获取权力的过程是挺有差异的,权力最大的魅力还是对利益、名声、机遇等的奖赏和剥夺,而这个过程有在时间和空间上都有覆盖,所以很难有上帝视角…
作者 Author
Jeffrey Pfeffer
Jeffrey Pfeffer is the Thomas D. Dee II Professor of Organizational Behavior at the Grasrcate School of Business, Stanford University, where he has taught since 1979. Prior to Stanford, Pfeffer taught at the University of California, Berkeley, and the University of Illinois. He has been a visiting professor at Harvard Business School, London Business School, Singapore Management University, and IESE in Barcelona. He has given talks in 39 countries around the world and received an honorary doctorate from Tilburg University in The Netherlands. Pfeffer currently writes a twice-monthly column for Fortune.com, and in the past has written for Business 2.0, the CEIBS Business Review (China), Capital Magazine (Turkey), and for numerous other blogs in the U.S. At Stanford he teaches a popular second-year MBA elective, The Paths to Power. He currently serves on the board of Berlin Packaging and a nonprofit, Quantum Leap Healthcare.
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