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Master Your Emotions: A Practical Guide to Overcome Negativity and Better Manage Your Feelings ̵

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Master Your Emotions: A Practical Guide to Overcome Negativity and Better Manage Your Feelings – Thibaut Meurisse –

Master Your Emotions – A Practical Guide to Overcome Negativity and Better Manage Your Feelings

简介 Intro

<Master Your Emotions: A Practical Guide to Overcome Negativity and Better Manage Your Feelings>—— Thibaut Meurisse

Want to overcome negative feelings? Feel like you aren’t good enough? Need help dealing with stress?

Author Thibaut Meurisse presents a hands-on companion to his book Master Your Emotions: A Practical Guide to Overcome Negativity and Better Manage Your Feelings.

Master Your Emotions is your ‘how-to’ manual to improve your emotional state. With the help of this personal workbook, you’ll be able to integrate the lessons from the book more deeply. As a result, you’ll start regaining control over your emotions, which will help you become happier and more optimistic.

The Master Your Emotions Personal Workbook will help you:

Develop a better understanding of how emotions work

Identify the behaviors and activities that negatively affect your mood

Replace negative emotions with positive ones

And much more.

关键词:Master Your Emotions;掌控情绪:克服负面情绪、更好地管理情绪的实用指南;

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读者评论  Readers\’ Comments

每一章都是实用的建议,系统的解释了情绪和感受的影响,小到下意识的行动,大到对世界观价值观的塑造。我最喜欢每节提的问题,自己拿个笔记本回答的时候看到了一个更真实的自我。有一秒钟特别想哭,就是读到We are not our emotions的那一刻,很多疑惑解开了。

简单好读!You are not your emotions!

说得很实在 基本没什么废话

作者 Author

Thibaut Meurisse

Thibaut Meurisse is a blogger, author and founder of Whatispersonaldevelopment.org. He has been featured on major personal development websites such as Goalcast, Lifehack, MotivationGrid, TinyBuddha or PickTheBrain.

Obsessed with self-improvement and fascinated by the power of the mind, his personal mission is to help people realize their full potential and reach higher levels of fulfillment and consciousness.

In love with foreign languages, he is a French, writing in English and who lived in Japan for almost a decade.



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