《The Sense of Style: The Thinking Persons Guide to Writing in the 21st Century》 – 史蒂芬·平克 Steve
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The Sense of Style
简介 Intro
《The Sense of Style: The Thinking Person\’s Guide to Writing in the 21st Century》—— Steven Pinker
Why is so much writing so bad, and how can we make it better? Is the English language being corrupted by texting and social media? Do the kids today even care about good writing? Why should any of us care?
In The Sense of Style, the bestselling linguist and cognitive scientist Steven Pinker answers these questions and more. Rethinking the usage guide for the twenty-first century, Pinker doesn’t carp about the decline of language or recycle pet peeves from the rulebooks of a century ago. Instead, he applies insights from the sciences of language and mind to the challenge of crafting clear, coherent, and stylish prose.
In this short, cheerful, and eminently practical book, Pinker shows how writing depends on imagination, empathy, coherence, grammatical knowhow, and an ability to savor and reverse engineer the good prose of others. He replaces dogma about usage with reason and evidence, allowing writers and editors to apply the guidelines judiciously, rather than robotically, being mindful of what they are designed to accomplish.
Filled with examples of great and gruesome prose, Pinker shows us how the art of writing can be a form of pleasurable mastery and a fascinating intellectual topic in its own right.
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Preview – The Sense of Style – Steven Pinker
读者评论 Readers\’ Comments
读过最实用的写作书 academese晚期患者的曙光
虽说每隔两分钟就要查下词典,但这本书给了我很多写作上的绝佳建议。而且Pinker那种又嘲讽但是又很严肃的语气让我边看边哈哈大笑。要找找Pinker的academic article细读才行。
某一家都是犇的犹太心理语言学家写出来的英文写作进阶教材…才看到第二章里面说的各种bad writing habit俺就是躺着都招招中枪T_T…可怜俺长久以来还自诩是英文写作算不错的外国搬砖狗…
作者 Author
Steven Pinker
Steven Pinker is the Harvard College Professor of Psychology at Harvard University. A two-time Pulitzer Prize finalist and the winner of many awards for his research, teaching, and books, he has been named one of Time\’s 100 Most Influential People in the World Today and Foreign Policy\’s 100 Global Thinkers.
- 屡屡获奖的认知科学家和公共知识分子。
- 他是《美国传统英语词典》(American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language)用法小组主席,也是《语言本能》(The Language Instinct)、《词与规则》(Words and Rules)和《思维素材》(The Stuff of Thought)等书备受赞誉的作者。他是哈佛大学心理学系约翰斯东家族(Johnstone Family)讲座教授,现居波士顿和麻州特鲁罗市(Truro)。
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