The 5 Second Rule: Transform your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage – Mel Robbi
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- 《The 5 Second Rule – Transform your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage》
- 五秒法则:倒数54321,冲了!全球百万人实证的高效行动法,根治惰性,改变人生
- 5秒法则
简介 Intro
<The 5 Second Rule: Transform your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage>《五秒法则 : 倒数54321,冲了!全球百万人实证的高效行动法,根治惰性,改变人生》—— Mel Robbins – 梅尔·罗宾斯
How to enrich your life and destroy doubt in five seconds.
Throughout your life, you\’ve had parents, coaches, teachers, friends, and mentors who have pushed you to be better than your excuses and bigger than your fears. What if the secret to having the confidence and courage to enrich your life and work is simply knowing how to push yourself?
Using the science of habits, riveting stories, and surprising facts from some of the most famous moments in history, art, and business, Mel Robbins will explain the power of a \”push moment\”. Then, she\’ll give you one simple tool you can use to become your greatest self.
It takes just five seconds to use this tool, and every time you do you\’ll be in great company. More than eight million people have watched Mel\’s TEDx Talk, and executives inside of the world\’s largest brands are using the tool to increase prosrcctivity, collaboration, and engagement.
In The 5 Second Rule, you\’ll discover it takes just five seconds to:
Become confident
Break the habit of procrastination and self-doubt
Beat fear and uncertainty
Stop worrying and feel happier
Share your ideas with courage
The 5 Second Rule is a simple, one-size-fits-all solution for the one problem we all face – we hold ourselves back.
The secret isn\’t knowing what to do – it\’s knowing how to make yourself do it.
每个人在发挥行动本能与扼杀本能之间,都有5秒钟的窗口期。在此期间,你都有能力改变“默认”的思维设置与习惯。 本书作者梅尔﹒罗宾斯曾面临人生的四面楚歌,事业陷入瓶颈期,婚姻差点触礁,又几乎破产。当时的生活太过艰难,以至于每天起床时,都要经历一场自我斗争,终日困在心理学家所说的“习惯循环”中。 直到有一天,她听从内心的行动直觉,发现了一个可以克服赖床和拖延症的方法,将之称为“5秒法则”。尝试数次后她发现,原来克服赖床有诸多好处。她将这一法则运用在生活和工作上,逐一改善了因行动力不足而停滞不前或崩坏的部分,也因此撼动了整个人生。 她把自己的经验分享给他人,居然还因此登上了TED的演讲舞台,随即全球疯传“5秒法则”。从大学生、白领、运动员到领导人,人人都能应用,让许多人喜出望外的是:改变,竟然变得那么简单! 5秒法则是行动心法,5秒钟内甩开拖延惯性→屏蔽感受、直接行动→倒数5个数字、制造“发起仪式”,这种心理干预的策略可以将自己从空想中赶出来,简单粗暴克服拖延症,夺回对你自己的控制权。 5秒法则也是一套实用工具,可以帮你获得对生活的掌控感;停止怀疑,获得更多内在力量;提升效率;自我约束和情绪管理;跨出舒适区,让社交更有效用等。 5秒法则融合了现代心理学各种有力和被证实的原则,诸如: 行动偏好、心理控制点、行为可变性、进步定律、开始仪式、习惯的黄金法则、骄纵的自豪感与真实的自豪感、深思熟虑的行为和行动的活化能等。作者以深入浅出的方式解释“5秒法则”如何让身体成功产生实际的行动力,并详细介绍了5秒法则在特定领域、生活领域中的使用规则。
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读者评论 Readers\’ Comments
I feel powerful when I finish reading this book, Does it really worth writing a whole book to talk about this \”5-second rule\”? I don\’t think it really necessary, but I do agree with the 5 second method. I tried on many things these recent days, this count-down seems to be a short meditation for me to clear out all my mind of fear, hesitation…
前几个月Audible头版头条重点推介的书,堪称自我管理的万金油,拖延癌晚期、放不下手机、进入不了状态、晚睡、起不来、焦虑、烦躁……没有什么是5秒法则解决不了的。5、4、3、2、1,just do it! 从濒临破产、婚姻岌岌可危的失业人士,靠着5秒法则扭转颓势,登上人生巅峰。本书囊括了很多关于自我管理通识,如何面对困境、健康管理、情绪管理、时间管理、效率提升、拖延症……听的时候很过瘾,作者不愧是人气超旺的TED演讲者,口才了得,听她的书感觉像是一个mentor在指引你,娓娓道来又激情澎湃。相比她的这个5秒法宝,我更感兴趣她的语言力量。
好书 有效
作者 Author
Mel Robbins – 梅尔·罗宾斯
Mel Robbins is one of the leading voices in personal development and transformation and a New York Times Bestselling author. Her work includes \”The High 5 Habit,\” \”The 5 Second Rule,\” four #1 bestselling audiobooks, the #1 podcast on Audible, as well as signature online courses that have changed the lives of more than half a million students worldwide. Her groundbreaking work on behavior change has been translated into 36 languages and is used by healthcare professionals, veterans’ organizations, and the world’s leading brands to inspire people to be more confident, effective, and fulfilled. As one of the most widely booked and followed public speakers in the world, Mel coaches more than 60 million people online every month and videos featuring her work have more than a billion views online, including her TEDx talk, which is one of the most popular of all time. There’s nothing Mel loves more than making a real difference in people’s lives by teaching them to believe in themselves and inspiring them to take the actions that will change their lives. Mel lives in New England with her husband of 25 years and their three kids, but she is and will always be a Midwesterner at heart. You can find out more about Mel, her courses, booking her to speak at an event, or sign up for her newsletter list with 700k other subscribers at:
- 知名TED讲者。CNN空中评论员和专栏作家,也是畅销书作家和美国最受欢迎的主讲人之一。
- 原本在纽约市担任刑事辩护律师,随后推出并出售了几家公司,并为A&E、FOX、Cox Media和CNN主持电视和广播节目。
- 目前主要教导世界领先品牌的领导阶层「如何打破自我怀疑的习惯」,建立起在工作和生活中的信心和勇气。梅尔是达特茅斯学院和波士顿大学法学院的毕业生,她和结縭十八年的丈夫有三个孩子。住在波士顿地区,但仍保有一名中西部人的心。