三、 字门 点 穴 修 补 演 绎
字 宇 , 即 太 阳 手 , 在 掌 中 尾 部 的 正 中 心 。 虽然 名 称 不 同 , 实 则 是 同 一个 点 。 这 是 因为 这个 地 方 是 散 发 生 命 能 量 的 地 方 , 又 因为 具 备 很 强 的 光 波 辐 射 力 。
在 中 医 上 认 为 : 字 宇 是 “ 主 ” 点 ( 如 图 ) , 主 控 我们 手 臂 和 上 半 身 的 表 层 能量流动;此外还 控制着我们头部神经感觉功能。
对 于 学 生 来 讲 : 如果 学 生 经 常 操纵 这个 字 宇 或太阳手,则会使自己精力充沛。
Forth Section: How to Practice the Technique of “Zi Men Dian Xue”
Zi Men Dian Xue is a traditional Chinese acupuncture technique that involves applying pressure to specific points on the body. In this section, we will explore the step-by-step process of practicing Zi Men Dian Xue.
The first step in practicing Zi Men Dian Xue is to locate the Zi Men point on your body. This point is located at the center of your palm, also known as the Tai Yang hand. By gently massaging this point with your thumb or index finger, you can stimulate energy flow and promote overall well-being.
In addition to massaging the Zi Men point, it is important to focus on deep breathing and relaxation techniques while practicing Zi Men Dian Xue. This can help enhance the effectiveness of the treatment and promote a sense of calmness and balance.
Fifth Section: Conclusion and Summary
In conclusion, “Zi Men Dian Xue” is a valuable traditional Chinese acupuncture technique that has been passed down through generations. Through careful study and practice, indivisrcals can harness its benefits for improved health and well-being.
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