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《Knowledge of the Higher Worlds 》

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Rudolf Steiner (Written 1904 – 1905; GA 10) Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and Its Attainment constitutes a fundamental guide to the anthroposophical path of cognition or knowledge. In human consciousness, faculties are sleeping that, if awakened, lead to life-giving wisdom. With great clarity and warmth, Rudolf Steiner details the exercises and moral qualities to be cultivated on the path to a conscious experience of supersensible realities.

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《Knowledge of the Higher Worlds 》 《Knowledge of the Higher Worlds 》

2009-3-20 09:11 上传

the Spirit known as Anthroposophy, and as a RUDOLF STEINER, philosopher, scientist and esrccator, (1861–1925), has achieved world-wide fame as the originator of the Science of pioneer of genius in a variety of fields of learning. “Steiner’s gift to the world was a moral and meditative way to objective vision, a way appropriate to the psychological and physiological constitution of Western man. If accepted in the spirit of humility, altruism and truthfulness in which it was given, it could bridge the existing cleft between a man’s religious conviction and his intellect and will. It could add comprehension to our existing knowledge and thus revive the vision without which our generation will hardly find the solution to its problems.” Franz Winkler, M.D., Man the Bridge between Two Worlds. “That the academic world has managed to dismiss Steiner’s works as inconsequential and irrelevant, is one of the intellectual wonders of the twentieth century. Anyone who is willing to study those vast works with an open mind (let us say, a hundred of his titles) will find himself faced with one of the greatest thinkers of all time, whose grasp of the modern sciences is equaled only by his profound learning in the ancient ones.” Russell W. Davenport, The Dignity of Man. ……文件密码:《Knowledge of the Higher Worlds 》 www.zhiyins.com下载地址回复可见:Andyanrt,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请《Knowledge of the Higher Worlds 》 回复


摘要:《Knowledge of the Higher Worlds》是一本探索灵性世界的书籍,作者Rudolf Steiner通过深入的思考和实践经验,向读者展示了如何获得更高层次的知识和洞察力。本文将从四个方面对《Knowledge of the Higher Worlds》进行详细阐述,包括书籍的主题与目标、内容概述、作者的观点和对读者的启示。


《Knowledge of the Higher Worlds》的主题是探索灵性世界,通过提供实践指导,帮助读者达到更高层次的认知和理解。书籍的目标是使人类能够超越物质世界的局限,获得对更高层次真理的认知。


《Knowledge of the Higher Worlds》鼓励读者积极参与实践活动,例如冥想、冥思和觉察。通过这些实践,读者可以超越日常经验的限制,探索更深层次的现实。


《Knowledge of the Higher Worlds》的内容涵盖了各个方面的主题,包括心灵培养、自我发展和超越物质世界的实践指导。书籍从基础知识开始,逐步引导读者进入更深层次的领域。




作者Rudolf Steiner是一位哲学家和灵性导师,他的观点在书中得到了充分展示。他认为人类的认知能力不仅限于物质世界,我们可以通过超越物质的限制,获得对更高层次真理的认知。




《Knowledge of the Higher Worlds》对读者的启示是,每个人都有探索灵性世界的潜力,并且可以通过内心觉醒和实践活动来实现这一目标。灵性发展不仅仅是一种理论知识,更是一种实践和体验。



《Knowledge of the Higher Worlds》是一本探索灵性世界的书籍,通过深入的思考和实践经验,作者向读者展示了如何获得更高层次的知识和洞察力。书籍的主题是探索灵性世界,通过个人发展和内心觉醒来实现灵性成长。内容涵盖了心灵培养、自我发展和超越物质世界的实践指导。作者的观点强调个体的发展和自我觉醒的重要性,认为每个人都有潜力超越日常经验,进入更深层次的现实。通过阅读这本书,读者可以获得对灵性世界的认知和洞察力,并学习到实践方法和技巧。



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