Symbolism and Visualizations. 1: This brief ritual was designed as a general planetary invocation and banishing, to be used when invoking the Heptarchic Royalty and the angels of the Table of the 49 Good Angels. The symbolism of these divine beings is based on the number seven rather than six, with Sol being treated as one among equals, instead of being given a place of primacy. The ritual can also be used as a substitute for the Hexagram Ritual in other, non-Heptarchic workings. The preferred form of the Heptagram is the G.D. version. Going clockwise from the topmost point, the planets are attributed to the points in the order of their apparent rate of motion, from slowest to fastest. This is identical with the order of their corresponding sephiroth in the Tree of Life. I use this ordering because when the Heptagram is drawn, the planets’ points are touched in the order of the days of the week. Thus this version of the Heptagram embodies both macrocosmic and microcosmic aspects of the planetary powers. The orientation of Heptagram inscribed in the magickal circle is arbitrary. One can make valid arguments for several different orientations, and the magician should use the orientation that fits his own preferences. To draw the invoking heptagram of a planet, start at the point attributed to the planet and move clockwise. The banishing Heptagram is drawn by starting at the same point and going counter-clockwise. The glyph of the planet is drawn in the center of the completed Heptagram. ……文件密码:www.zhiyins.com下载地址回复可见:游客,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请回复
摘要:《A Ritual of the Heptagram》是一部着名的奇幻小说,讲述了一个古老的七角星仪式的故事。主人公通过完成这个仪式,解开了一系列的谜题,最终获得了力量和智慧的结合。本文将从四个方面对《A Ritual of the Heptagram》进行详细阐述。
《A Ritual of the Heptagram》的故事情节扣人心弦,引人入胜。故事发生在一个神秘的世界中,主人公通过完成七角星仪式,解开了古老的秘密,揭示了世界的真相。这个故事充满了惊险、悬疑和冒险,读者会被故事的发展所吸引,想要一探究竟。