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《A Ritual of the Heptagram》

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Symbolism and Visualizations. 1: This brief ritual was designed as a general planetary invocation and banishing, to be used when invoking the Heptarchic Royalty and the angels of the Table of the 49 Good Angels. The symbolism of these divine beings is based on the number seven rather than six, with Sol being treated as one among equals, instead of being given a place of primacy. The ritual can also be used as a substitute for the Hexagram Ritual in other, non-Heptarchic workings. The preferred form of the Heptagram is the G.D. version. Going clockwise from the topmost point, the planets are attributed to the points in the order of their apparent rate of motion, from slowest to fastest. This is identical with the order of their corresponding sephiroth in the Tree of Life. I use this ordering because when the Heptagram is drawn, the planets’ points are touched in the order of the days of the week. Thus this version of the Heptagram embodies both macrocosmic and microcosmic aspects of the planetary powers. The orientation of Heptagram inscribed in the magickal circle is arbitrary. One can make valid arguments for several different orientations, and the magician should use the orientation that fits his own preferences. To draw the invoking heptagram of a planet, start at the point attributed to the planet and move clockwise. The banishing Heptagram is drawn by starting at the same point and going counter-clockwise. The glyph of the planet is drawn in the center of the completed Heptagram. ……文件密码:《A Ritual of the Heptagram》 www.zhiyins.com下载地址回复可见:游客,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请《A Ritual of the Heptagram》 回复


摘要:《A Ritual of the Heptagram》是一部着名的奇幻小说,讲述了一个古老的七角星仪式的故事。主人公通过完成这个仪式,解开了一系列的谜题,最终获得了力量和智慧的结合。本文将从四个方面对《A Ritual of the Heptagram》进行详细阐述。


《A Ritual of the Heptagram》的故事情节扣人心弦,引人入胜。故事发生在一个神秘的世界中,主人公通过完成七角星仪式,解开了古老的秘密,揭示了世界的真相。这个故事充满了惊险、悬疑和冒险,读者会被故事的发展所吸引,想要一探究竟。


故事情节的设置和发展是《A Ritual of the Heptagram》的一大亮点,让读者沉浸其中,随着主人公一起经历冒险与成长。


《A Ritual of the Heptagram》中的人物形象丰满、立体,各具特色。主人公是一个普通人,但他拥有强烈的好奇心和勇气,通过完成七角星仪式,不断突破自己的限制,最终成为了一个真正的英雄。


人物形象的塑造是《A Ritual of the Heptagram》的另一个亮点。作者通过细腻的描写和情感的表达,使得读者能够与主人公和其他人物产生情感共鸣,更好地理解和感受他们的内心世界。


《A Ritual of the Heptagram》探讨了许多重要的主题和思想。其中之一是力量与智慧的结合。主人公通过完成七角星仪式,获得了无限的力量,但他也意识到单纯的力量并不能解决问题,只有通过智慧的运用才能真正达到目的。


《A Ritual of the Heptagram》通过这些主题和思想,向读者传递了积极向上的价值观和人生哲理,让人们反思自己的生活和成长。


《A Ritual of the Heptagram》的艺术风格独特而精美。作者运用细腻的描写和生动的语言,创造了一个充满奇幻色彩的世界。读者在阅读过程中可以感受到作者的想象力和创造力,仿佛身临其境。

小说中的插图和装帧设计也非常精美,增强了阅读的乐趣和观赏性。整体的艺术风格使得《A Ritual of the Heptagram》成为一部不仅内容精彩,而且形式美观的作品,给读者带来了视觉和心灵的双重享受。


《A Ritual of the Heptagram》是一部扣人心弦的奇幻小说,故事情节扣人心弦,人物形象丰满立体,探讨了力量与智慧的结合,成长与自我突破的主题思想,艺术风格独特精美。读者在阅读过程中可以享受到故事的魅力和艺术的美感。



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