In this short, lucid, rich book Michael Dummett sets out his views about some of the deepest questions in philosophy. The fundamental question of metaphysics is: what does reality consist of? To answer this, Dummett holds, it is necessary to say what kinds of fact obtain, and what constitutes their holding good. Facts correspond with true propositions, or true thoughts: when we know which propositions, or thoughts, in general, are true, we shall know what facts there are in general. Dummett considers the relation between metaphysics, our conception of the constitution of reality, and semantics, the theory that explains how statements are determined as true or as false in terms of their composition out of their constituent expressions. He investigates the two concepts on which the bridge that connects semantics to metaphysics rests, meaning and truth, and the role of justification in a theory of meaning. He then examines the special semantic and metaphysical issues that arise with relation to time and tense.On this basis Dummett puts forward his controversial view of reality as indeterminate: there may be no fact of the matter about whether an object does or does not have a given property. We have to relinquish our deep-held realist understanding of language, the illusion that we know what it is for any proposition that we can frame to be true independently of our having any means of recognizing its truth, and accept that truth depends on our capacity to apprehend it. Dummett concludes with a chapter about God.
Michael Dummett
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2012-9-22 12:39 上传
有需要联系v;hx-hx4 摘要:《Thought and Reality》是一本英文书籍,通过对思想和实在的探讨,引发人们对真实世界和思维世界之间的关系的思考。本文将从四个方面对该书进行详细阐述。首先,探讨书中对思维和实在的定义和概念;其次,分析思维与实在之间的相互作用;然后,讨论思维对实在的认知和理解的影响;最后,总结归纳书中关于思维和实在的重要观点和启示。
《Thought and Reality》首先对思维和实在进行了详细的定义和概念阐述。书中指出,思维是人类思考和认识世界的一种活动,是人类思维能力的表现。而实在则是指客观存在的对象和事物。通过对思维和实在的明确定义,书籍为后续的讨论和分析提供了基础。
《Thought and Reality》通过对思维和实在的探讨,引发了人们对真实世界和思维世界之间关系的思考。书中对思维和实在的定义和概念进行了详细阐述,分析了思维与实在之间的相互作用,讨论了思维对实在的认知和理解的影响。通过对书中观点和启示的总结,我们认识到思维和实在的相互依存,思维的重要性以及思维能力的培养。