ContentsAbbreviations ixAcknowledgments xiIntrosrcction xiiiPart 1Historical BackgroundChapter I: Historical Context: Politico-ReligiousClimate in Iceland 3Heathen Period (870-1000) 3Catholic Age (1000-1550) 5Reformation Age (1550-1650): Iceland at 7the time of the Galdrab6kChapter 2: History of Magic in Iceland 11Heathen Period (870-1000) 11Catholic Period (1000-1550) 19Reformation Age (1550-1750) 21Chapter 3: Icelandic Books of the Black Art 27The Black Books of Legend 28vi ContentsText of the Galdrab6k 29Other Historical Manuals of Magic 32The Two Traditions in the North 35Chapter 4: The Old Gods and the Demons of Hell 37The Heathen Gods and Goddesses 38The Demons of Hell 41Chapter 5: Runes and Magical Signs 45Chapter 6: Theory and Practice of Magicin the Galdrab6k 51Part 2The Galdrab6kThe Galdrab6k 59AppendicesRelated Spells in Germanic MagicAppendix A: Other Icelandic Sources 83From the Huld Manuscript 83From the Kredsrcr Manuscript 92From Svend Grundtvig\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\’s Collection 99From the Collection of Jon Amason 99From Various Manuscripts Collected by6lafur Davfdhsson 101Appendix B: Heathen Magic in Old EnglishManuscripts 105
The so-called Galdrab6k,’ or "Book of Magic," is the single mosiimportant document for understanding the practice of magic irlate medieval Iceland. It is especially important in that it give,a unique insight into the various religio-magical elements thaiwent into a synthetic national magical tradition in Iceland althe time of its compilation. No other document of comparableage gives so many details of the preservation of the archaic Germanic gods, cosmology, and magical practices as does this littlemanuscript. Here we are not dependent on folktales or indirectreports through confessions exacted by the tortures of the In.quisition or other churchly authorities to reconstruct the magicoreligious views of the galdramenn (magicians) of the day; instead,we have direct evidence of actual practices written by the rna.gicians’ own hands. In many ways the Galdrab6k is to the Icelandic folktales of magic’ what the runic inscriptions are to theaccounts of magic recorded in the sagas. They provide factuacorroboration of what otherwise might have been considered,form of fantasy.Andyanrt,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请回复