UFO CONTACT FROM VENUS I CAME, A 295 page Ebook that describes the life of Omnec Onec and her life on Venus.Before she arrived on this planet, she was carefully conditioned to our density and became physically manifest in an earth-body equivalent to a 7 year old girl. Her uncle and the crew who brought her here introsrcced her into a Tennessee family who had just lost their own little daughter. And although Omnec had the appearance of a 7 year old she had the Venusian wisdom and knowledge of her 210 year equivalent at the time of her arrival here in 1955.This then is her story of her early life on Venus, her arrival here in the middle of our first modern excitement over UFOs, her preparation and adaptation to Earth living and its peculiar problems, unknown to her on her home planet.
Omnec Onec
FROM VENUS I CAME – Autobiography Part 1Unique autobiography of an extraterrestrial. Omnec Onec portrays her life on the astral level of Venus and teaches timeless wisdom.CHAPTER 1 From Venus I cameCHAPTER 2 Laws of the Supreme DeityCHAPTER 3 Tythania Canes of AgeCHAPTER 4 In the WombCHAPTER 5 The Venus PlaneCHAPTER 6 TeutoniaCHAPTER 7 The Creative LifeCHAPTER 8 Earthward BoundCHAPTER 9 Brotherhood of PlanetsCHAPTER 10 Agam DesCHAPTER 11 SheilaCHAPTER 12 My Earth FamilyCHAPTER 13 Compared to Venus
摘要:《From Venus I Came》是一部关于外星人来到地球的科幻小说。故事主要围绕着来自金星的年轻女子Nina展开,她来到地球并与人类进行交流和互动。本文将从以下四个方面对《From Venus I Came》进行详细阐述:Nina的角色设定、她对地球的观察和理解、她与人类的交流与互动、以及小说所传递的深意。
在《From Venus I Came》中,Nina是一个来自金星的年轻女子。她具有与人类相似的外貌,但拥有超凡的智慧和能力。她的角色设定既有科幻元素,又有人性的温暖。她的出现不仅给地球带来了新奇和惊讶,也为读者揭示了一个全新的外星世界。