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《The Lesser Key Of Solomon》(《所罗门的小钥匙》)

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This translation of the FIRST BOOK Of the “Lemegeton” which is now for the first time made accessible to students of TALISMANIC MAGIC was done, after careful collation and edition, from numerous Ancient Manuscripts in Hebrew, Latin, and French, by G. H. Fra. D.D.C.F., by the order of the Secret Chief of the Rosicrucian Order. 1 The G. H. Fra., having succumbed unhappily to the assaults of the Four Great Princes (acting notably under Martial influences), it seemed expedient that the work should be brought to its conclusion by another hand. The investigation of a competent Skryer into the house of our unhappy Fra., confirmed this divination; neither our Fra. nor his Hermetic Mul. were there seen; but only the terrible shapes of the evil Adepts S.V.A. 2 and H., whose original bodies having been sequestered by Justice, were no longer of use to them. On this we stayed no longer Our Hand; but withdrawing Ourselves, and consulting the Rota, and the Books M. and Q. did decide to ask Mr. Aleister Crowley, a poet, and skilled student of Magical Lore, and an expert Kabbalist, to complete openly that which had been begun in secret. 3 This is that which is written: “His Bishoprick let another take.” And again: “Oculi Tetragammaton.” This is also that which is said: “Nomen Secunsrcm refertur ad Gebhurah; qui est Rex Bittul atque Corruptio Achurajim Patris et Matris hoc indigitatur. “ And so saying we wish you well. Ex Deo Nascimur.In Jesu Morimur.Per S.S. Reviviscimus.Given forth from our Mountain of A., this day of C.C. 1903 A. D. ……






Aleister Crowley


– GOETIACompiled and TranslatedByS.L. “ MacGregor” Mathers Editing andAdditional MaterialBy Aleister Crowley

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《The Lesser Key Of Solomon》(《所罗门的小钥匙》) 《The Lesser Key Of Solomon》(《所罗门的小钥匙》)

2009-4-16 09:44 上传

preface密码:《The Lesser Key Of Solomon》(《所罗门的小钥匙》) www.zhiyinshe.comAndyanrt,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请《The Lesser Key Of Solomon》(《所罗门的小钥匙》) 回复中文版:《The Lesser Key Of Solomon》(《所罗门的小钥匙》) http://www.imslr.com/thread-33780-1-1.html英文手稿版:《The Lesser Key Of Solomon》(《所罗门的小钥匙》) http://www.imslr.com/thread-48480-1-1.html

摘要:《The Lesser Key Of Solomon》(《所罗门的小钥匙》)是一本与古代法术和咒语相关的文献,由匿名作者所写。本文将从四个方面详细阐述这本书的内容和意义。

1、《The Lesser Key Of Solomon》的起源与背景

《The Lesser Key Of Solomon》(《所罗门的小钥匙》)是一本包含了古代魔法和咒语的文献,起源于中世纪的欧洲。它据说是由匿名作者所写,以所罗门大帝为主角。这本书被认为是由犹太教和基督教的元素结合而成,其中包含了许多古代的符咒和仪式。

在这一部分,我们将深入探讨《The Lesser Key Of Solomon》的起源和背景,以及它在古代法术和咒语研究中的重要性。

同时,我们还将介绍一些关于所罗门大帝的背景知识,以便更好地理解《The Lesser Key Of Solomon》的含义。

2、《The Lesser Key Of Solomon》的内容和结构

《The Lesser Key Of Solomon》包含了五个不同的部分,每个部分都有不同的目的和内容。这些部分分别是:《Ars Goetia》、《Ars Theurgia Goetia》、《Ars Paulina》、《Ars Almadel》和《Ars Notoria》。


3、《The Lesser Key Of Solomon》对古代法术和咒语的影响

《The Lesser Key Of Solomon》对古代法术和咒语的影响是不可忽视的。它不仅仅是一本收集了古代符咒和仪式的文献,更是对古代法术和咒语研究产生了深远的影响。

在这一部分,我们将讨论《The Lesser Key Of Solomon》对古代法术和咒语的具体影响,以及它在现代魔法和咒语研究中的地位。

4、《The Lesser Key Of Solomon》的现代应用与争议

《The Lesser Key Of Solomon》虽然是一本古老的文献,但它在现代依然具有重要的应用价值。它被许多研究者和实践者用作研究和实践古代法术和咒语的工具。

然而,由于其包含了一些具有争议性的内容,该书也引发了许多争议。在这一部分,我们将探讨《The Lesser Key Of Solomon》的现代应用和争议,并对其可靠性和有效性进行一些思考。


通过对《The Lesser Key Of Solomon》(《所罗门的小钥匙》)的详细阐述,我们了解了它的起源和背景,内容和结构,对古代法术和咒语的影响,以及它的现代应用和争议。这本书不仅仅是一本古老的文献,更是对古代法术和咒语研究的重要贡献。



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