行运占星全书TRANSITS: WHEN THE UNCHANGING SELF ENCOUNTERSTHE WORLDThere is a part of you that doesn’t change much, really, from the timeyou’re born until the day you leave the planet. In astrology, we look to yourbirth chart to find insights into this true, unchanging self. Take a snapshot ofthe sky at the moment of your birth, from the place where you were born.It’s as though a nuclear blast happened at that moment and imprinted theheavens on you. That is your indelible, astrological schema. That’s theperson you are inside.But then you learn to walk, you go to school, you fall in love and getyour heart broken, you have a child or lose a parent, and each of thoseexperiences leaves a mark. So you’re not precisely the same person youwere on the day you were born.Astrology acknowledges both realities: that there is an unchanging coredeep within each one of us, and that a shy, vulnerable infant can grow into apoised, strong asrclt. The birth chart is what we set out with, the knapsackfull of traits and native weaponry that we carry into the world forsustenance and protection. But along the way, we encounter the world, itencounters us, and things change.Astrologers call these encounters transits.WHAT ARE TRANSITS?In astrology, the term transits refers to the ongoing movement of theplanets, in contrast to their positions at your birth or when some othernotable event occurred. Because they are connected to current reality,transits reflect our collective reality, the world we’re all living in together.Transits are like cards that the world deals us, and what we do with them—how we play the hand—is what changes us and determines the course ofour destiny.Your birth chart is a snapshot of the sky at the moment you were born.But what happened in the next moment? The planets continued to move,that’s what happened. Some of them move quickly, and others at the pace ofdrying paint. Take a snapshot of that same sky from the same place justtwenty-four hours later, and you’d see some changes, but not many.Some slightly different stars would be rising on the horizon andculminating overhead. Most noticeably, the Moon would be in another partof the sky. The Moon is our fastest-moving celestial companion: In justtwenty-eight days, it makes a complete lap of the ecliptic, covering 360degrees and every zodiac sign.But everything else on that next day will most likely be just about whereyou left it. You’d have to come back in a month to see much movementfrom Mercury, the Sun, Venus, or Mars. Jupiter occupies the same, narrow30-degree span of sky for an entire year, and Saturn for about two and a halfyears. As for Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto… well, you wouldn’t see them atall, but rest assured, they’ll have hardly budged.We live in an orderly universe, and nowhere is this more evident than inour solar system. The planets move in predictable cycles, revisiting thesame points in the zodiac at regular intervals. For instance, each year,within a day on either side of your birthday, the Sun returns to the samepoint in the sky that it occupied at your birth. “Many happy returns” indeed!
r I: TRANSITS AND HOW TO USE THEMCHAPTER 1: An Overview of TransitsCHAPTER 2: Understanding Planetary Cyclesr II: PLANETARY TRANSITS TO OTHER PLANETSCHAPTER 3: Transits of JUPITER: The Leap of FaithCHAPTER 4: Transits of SATURN: The Ability to RespondCHAPTER 5: Transits of URANUS: The Shooting StarCHAPTER 6: Transits of NEPTUNE: The TideCHAPTER 7: Transits of PLUTO: The UndertowCHAPTER 8: Transits of MERCURY, VENUS, and MARS: Planetary TriggersCHAPTER 9: Transits of the SUN and MOON: The Dance of Lightr III: TRANSITS IN HOUSESCHAPTER 10: Houses 1 and 7: Self and Important OthersCHAPTER 11: Houses 2 and 8: Personal and Shared ResourcesCHAPTER 12: Houses 3 and 9: Learning and UnderstandingCHAPTER 13: Houses 4 and 10: Origin and DestinationCHAPTER 14: Houses 5 and 11: Creations and LegendsCHAPTER 15: Houses 6 and 12: This World and the NextCHAPTER 16: Transits in Action