Written in response to the demand from clients and astrology students, this book provides an introsrcction to the financial universe, illustrating the role of the Sun, Moon, planets, and major planet cycles in market movements.In The Beginners Guide to the Financial Universe, financial astrologer Christeen Skinner takes a step-by-step approach to understanding how the events in the solar system affect market movements. Starting with the sunspot cycle and moving on to seasonality charts and lunar trading, she presents information in an easy-to-read style. As viewed from Earth, the planets each have periods when they appear to be retrograde, i.e., moving backward relative to Earth. These periods and their correlation with market activity are considered along with the role Mars plays as it moves through each sign of the zodiac. The phases of a recognized 20-year business cycle–the exact period between one conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn and the next–are also explored. The concluding chapter offers date, time, and place data that can be used for further investigation.Chapters include the following:The Sunspot Cycle and the MarketsSeasonality Charts and Key DatesTrading with Mercury and VenusThe Role of Mars in Commodity TradingThe Jupiter-Saturn 20-Year Business CycleCharts of Key Markets and Indices
Christeen H. Skinner
PreFaceWho. Why, and When?Astro-Building BlocksStarting with the SunTrading with the MoonTrading with MercuryTrading with VenusTrading with MarsTrading with TripiterTrading with SaturnTrading and the lupiter-Saturn rvclesTrading with UranusTrading with NeptuneTrading with PlutoTrading with hdipses apd I.unar NodesTrading with Angles and Day ChartsIn (TnsdngAppendix i — A list of stock exchange "birth data"Appendix 2 — Chart of tire October 1087 Market CrashGlossary of TermsBibliographyIndex
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摘要:《The Beginners Guide to the Financial Universe》Christeen H. Skinner 是一本关于金融宇宙的入门指南。本书通过解释金融领域的基本概念和原则,帮助读者了解金融世界的运作和重要性。本文将从四个方面对这本书进行详细阐述。
《The Beginners Guide to the Financial Universe》Christeen H. Skinner 是一本关于金融宇宙的入门指南。本书从宏观的角度解释了金融宇宙的概念和范围。它涵盖了各种金融市场、金融工具以及金融交易的基本原则和规则。通过阅读本书,读者可以建立对金融宇宙的整体认识,为后续的学习和实践打下基础。
《The Beginners Guide to the Financial Universe》Christeen H. Skinner 进一步介绍了各种金融工具和策略。本书详细解释了股票、债券、期权、期货、外汇等金融工具的定义、特点和用途。读者可以通过学习不同的金融工具,了解它们的风险和回报特征,从而制定合适的投资策略。
《The Beginners Guide to the Financial Universe》Christeen H. Skinner 是一本全面介绍金融宇宙的入门指南。它从宏观的角度解释了金融宇宙的概念和范围,介绍了金融工具和策略,强调了风险管理和投资组合的重要性,探讨了金融市场的分析和预测。本书适合初学者和对金融领域感兴趣的读者阅读。