Laetitia Barbier’s Tarot and Divination Cards isa stunning visual history of tarot.Used for self-exploration or divination, tarot has, for more than 500 years, been the most popular and accessible of all esoteric tools, looming large in today’s mainstream culture. Why? Because the cards are inexpensive and easy to carry—a perfect traveling companion and, therefore, an invitation to a journey inward and out.Humans are drawn to playing games and feel driven to find meaning in the chaos of paradoxical signs. The vivid iconography of the “Arcanas” speak to us like no other language, moving us to the core, weaving through each card a universal story, a metaphorical pathway of transformation.This 400-page book presents—for the first time—a close look at 500 years of figurative card decks created or used for fortune telling, divinations, and oracle purposes, and explores, one card at the time, their iconographic roots at the crossroads of the medieval imaginarium, Western esoteric wisdom, folklore, and also contemporary art and pop culture. With hundreds of images drawn from more than 100 decks, rarely published and often forgotten in library archives, this book offers the first visual history of tarot.
Laetitia Barbier
TABLE OF CONTENTSIN THE BEGINNING WAS THE VOICEINTRODUCTIONA BRIEF HISTORY OF CARDS AND THEIR USE AS A SPIRITED DEVICETHE MAJOR ARCANASThe FoolThe MagicianThe Popess – The High PriestessThe EmpressThe EmperorThe Pope – The HierophantThe Lover – The LoversThe ChariotJusticeThe HermitThe Wheel of FortuneStrengthThe Hanged ManDeathTemperanceThe DevilThe TowerStarThe MoonThe SunJudgementThe WorldTHE MINOR ARCANASThe Suit of CoinsThe Suit of SwordsThe Suit of CupsThe Suit of WandsCARTOMANCY AND DIVINATION GAMESThe Suit of DiamondsThe Suit of SpadesThe Suit of HeartsThe Suit of ClubsEtteillaMademoiselle LenormandThe Hieroglyphic Tarot of Madame Dulora de la HayeLa Sibylle des SalonsDas Auge Gottes: The Eye of GodThe Arithmetic GameLe Tarot AstrologiqueThe Great Game of the HandThe Antique Destiny DeckMODERN TAROTThe Brady TarotThe Dust II OnyxKahn & SelesnickGhetto TarotPavlov’s TarotUusiNotesSelected BibliographyAcknowledgments
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摘要:《Tarot and Divination Cards: A Visual Archive》是一本详细介绍塔罗牌和占卜牌的视觉档案的书籍。本文将从四个方面对该书进行详细阐述,包括其内容概述、历史背景、图像收藏和对读者的启示。通过这些方面的探讨,读者可以更好地了解塔罗牌和占卜牌的起源、演变和使用方法。
《Tarot and Divination Cards: A Visual Archive》是一本详细介绍塔罗牌和占卜牌的视觉档案的书籍。通过对书中内容的阐述,读者可以了解到塔罗牌和占卜牌的起源、演变和使用方法。该书收藏了世界各地不同时代和文化的塔罗牌和占卜牌的图像,展示了它们的设计风格和象征意义。通过对图像的解读和对塔罗牌和占卜牌的学习和实践,读者可以提升自己的直觉和洞察力,更好地应对生活中的挑战和困惑。