Archetypal Tarot: What Your Birth Card Reveals About Your Personality, Your Path, and Your Potential“A fantastic book that gives deep insights into your personality, life, and journey based on your birth card.” —Theresa ReedThe tarot cards associated with your birth date and name form a pattern of personal destiny. They describe the theme of your life—the challenges and the gifts. In Archetypal Tarot, popular tarot practitioner and astrologer Mary Greer connects astrology and numerology to the tarot to create an in-depth personality profile that anyone can use for self-realization and personal harmony.Greer takes readers on a personal exploration of how the tarot can be used as a tool for learning more about themselves and others.The book includes:Detailed instructions, charts, and exercises on how to determine your soul and personality cardsHow to determine your year card and name cardThe opportunities and challenges you will faceJournaling and exploratory exercisesArchetypal Tarot is a valuable tool for anyone wishing to learn how to use the tarot to interpret their strengths, challenges, and innermost desires. All you need is a pen and your date of birth and you can learn to cast your own tarot chart.This book was previously published as Who Are You in the Tarot. This new edition includes a foreword by Theresa Reed, author of Tarot: No Questions Asked, and a new preface by the author.
Mary K. Greer
ForewordPreface to the New EditionIntrosrcction1 Constellations, Principles, Archetypes, and Beliefs2 Techniques for Working with Your Personal Cards3 Your Birth Cards4 The Tarot Constellations5 The Constellation of the Magician: 19-10-1The Magician • Wheel of Fortune • The Sun •The Minor Arcana Aces • The Minor Arcana 10s6 The Constellation of the High Priestess: 20-11-2The High Priestess • Justice • Judgment • Strength •The Minor Arcana 2s7 The Constellation of the Empress: 21-12-3The Empress • The Hanged Man • The World •The Minor Arcana 3s8 The Constellation of the Emperor: 22-13-4The Emperor • Death • The Fool • The Minor Arcana 4s9 The Constellation of the Hierophant: 14-5The Hierophant • Temperance • The Minor Arcana 5s10 The Constellation of the Lovers: 15-6The Lovers • The Devil • The Minor Arcana 6s11 The Constellation of the Chariot: 16-7The Chariot • The Tower • The Minor Arcana 7s12 The Constellation of Strength: 17-8Strength • The Star • The Minor Arcana 8s13 The Constellation of the Hermit: 18-9The Hermit • The Moon • Minor Arcana 9s14 Your Year Cards15 Interpreting Your Year Cards16 Soul Groups and Relationship Dynamics17 Your Name Cards18 The People or Court CardsAppendix A: The 8-11 ControversyAppendix B: The Qabalah of the Nine ChambersAppendix C: Summary of Card NamesEndnotesSelected Bibliography
本主题由 影月 于 2023-5-3 14:43 加入精华有需要联系v;hx-hx4 摘要:《Archetypal Tarot》Mary K. Greer是一本讲述塔罗牌的经典着作,作者Mary K. Greer以深入浅出的方式解释了塔罗牌的原型和象征意义。本文将从四个方面对这本书进行详细阐述,包括作者的背景和贡献、书籍内容和结构、对塔罗牌理论的贡献以及对读者的影响与启示。通过对这本书的全面解读,可以更好地理解塔罗牌的深层含义和运用方法。
《Archetypal Tarot》的作者Mary K. Greer是塔罗牌领域的权威,她在这个领域拥有丰富的经验和知识。她的背景和贡献使得这本书有了更加权威和专业的观点和解释。她的研究和实践使得她具备了对塔罗牌的深入理解和独特的见解。