你知道电话铃响的时候谁在打电话吗?或者你是否曾经一时兴起做出决定,后来觉得自己做出了正确的选择?也许你对一个人有过直接的好或坏的感觉,然后这种本能得到了证实?大多数人,不管他们是否承认,都有一定程度的直觉能力。 Diane Brandon在过去的二十年里一直在研究和直觉发展。无论你的直觉是自然可及的还是隐藏的,这篇全面而可接近的文章都提供了提升你意识水平的策略。布兰登打破了直觉和心理知识的神话,专注于如何将直觉作为赋权和自我提升的工具。与你内心的声音取得联系,改善关系,解决问题,做出适时的决定,等等。Have you ever known who was calling when the phone rang? Or have you ever made a decision on an absolute whim—and later felt that you made the right choice? Perhaps you\\\’ve had an immediate good or bad feeling about a person—and then had that instinct confirmed? Most people, whether they acknowledge it or not, have some degree of intuitive ability. Diane Brandon has spent the past two decades studying and intuitive development. Whether your intuition is naturally accessible or hidden, this comprehensive and approachable text offers strategies to elevate your level of conscious awareness. Dispelling the myths of intuitive and psychic knowledge, Brandon focuses on how intuition can be applied as a tool of empowerment and self-improvement. Get in touch with your inner voice to improve relationships, solve problems, make well-timed decisions, and more.
Diane Brandon
引言一:你有直觉吗?二:你的直觉基础三:关于直觉和潜在陷阱的迷思四:你如何获得直觉?五:进入直觉状态的冥想练习六:培养直觉的初级练习七:使用直觉信息八:培养和发展你的直觉九:通过高级与附加练习精进直觉十:附加建议、注意事项和小贴士附录:实现梦想推荐阅读参考文献introsrcctionone: Are You Intuitive?two: Your Basic 411 on Intuitionthree: Myths about Intuition and Potential Pitfallsfour: How Do You Access Your Intuition?five: Meditation Exercises to Enter an Intuitive Statesix: Beginner Exercises to Develop Your Intuitionseven: Working with Your Intuitive Informationeight: Cultivating and Growing Your Intuitionnine: Refining Your Intuition with Advanced and Additional Exercisesten: Additional Recommendations, Cautions, and Tipsappendix: Working with Your DreamsRecommended ReadingBibliography