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卡巴拉学习的推荐书目,黄金黎明魔法体系学习的必读书目之一。在《THE COMPLETE GOLDEN D AWN SYSTEM OF MAGIC》被誉为在卡巴拉学习中如“金矿”般的书籍,由黄金黎明会创始人之一McGREGOR MATHERS所着。对深入理解和实践卡巴拉魔法有着重要作用。








Preface To The New Edition Introsrcction SIPHRA DTZENIOUTHA: THE BOOK OF CONCEALED MYSTERY Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 GREATER HOLY ASSEMBLY Chapter 1. The Ingress And The Preface Chapter 2. Of The Condition Of The World Of Vacancy Chapter 3. Concerning The Ancient One, Or Macroprosopus, And Concerning His Parts, And Especially Concerning His Skull Chapter 4. Concerning The Dew, Or Moisture Of The Brain, Of The Ancient One, Or Macroprosopus Chapter 5. Further Concerning The Skull Of Macroprosopus Chapter 6. Concerning The Membrane Of The Brain Of Macroprosopus Chapter 7. Concerning The Hair Of Macroprosopus Chapter 8. Concerning The Forehead Of Macroprosopus Chapter 9. Concerning The Eyes Of Macroprosopus Chapter 10. Concerning The Nose Of Macroprosopus Chapter 11. Concerning The Beard Of Macroprosopus In General Chapter 12. Concerning The Beard Of Macroprosopus In Particular; And, In The First Place, Concerning Its First Part Chapter 13. Concerning The Second Part Of The Beard Of Macroprosopus Chapter 14. Concerning The Third Part Of The Beard Of Macroprosopus Chapter 15. Concerning The Fourth Part Of The Beard Of Macroprosopus Chapter 16. Concerning The Fifth Part Of The Beard Of Macroprosopus Chapter 17. Concerning The Sixth Part Of The Beard Of Macroprosopus Chapter 18. Concerning The Seventh Part Of The Beard Of Macroprosopus Chapter 19. Concerning The Eighth Part Of The Beard Of Macroprosopus Chapter 20. Concerning The Ninth Part Of The Beard Of Macroprosopus Chapter 21. Concerning The Tenth And Eleventh Parts Of The Beard Of Microprosopus Chapter 22. Concerning The Twelfth Part Of The Beard Of Macroprosopus Chapter 23. Concerning The Thirteenth Part Of The Beard Of Macroprosopus Chapter 24. Conclusion Of The Matter Concerning Macroprosopus Chapter 25. The Ingress Of Microprosopus Chapter 26. Concerning The Edomite Kings Chapter 27. Concerning The Skull Op Microprosopus And Its Appurtenances; Namely, Concerning The Subtle Air, And The Fire, And The Dew Chapter 28. Concerning The Brain And Membrane Of The Brain Of Microprosopus Chapter 29. Concerning The Hair Of Microprosopus Chapter 30. Concerning The Forehead Of Microprosopus Chapter 31. Concerning The Eyes Of Microprosopus Chapter 32. Concerning The Nose Of Microprosopus Chapter 33. Concerning The Ears Of Microprosopus Chapter 34. Concerning The Beard Of Microprosopus Chapter 35. Concerning The First Part Of The Beard Of Microprosopus Chapter 36. Concerning The Second Part Of The Beard Of Microprosopus Chapter 37. Concerning The Third Part Of The Beard Of Microprosopus Chapter 38. Concerning The Seven Last Portions Of The Beard Of Microprosopus Chapter 39. Concerning The Body Of Microprosopus In General, Under The Condition Of An Androgyn Chapter 40. Concerning The Feminine Portion Of Microprosopus; And Concerning The Remaining Parts Of The Body Of Each Chapter 41. Concerning The Separate Members Of Each Personification, And Especially Concerning The Arms Of Microprosopus Chapter 42. Concerning The Separation Of The Masculine And The Feminine, And Concerning Their Conjunction Chapter 43. Concerning The Judgments Chapter 44. Further Remarks Concerning The Supernal ManChapter 45. Conclusion LESSER HOLY ASSEMBLY Chapter 1. Which Containeth The Introsrcction Chapter 2. Concerning The Skull Of The Ancient One, And Concerning His Brain; And Concerning The Three Heads, And The Hair, And The Discriminatory Paths Chapter 3. Concerning The Forehead Of The Most Holy Ancient One Chapter 4. Concerning The Eyes Of The Most Holy Ancient One Chapter 5. Concerning The Nose Of The Most Holy Ancient One Chapter 6. Concerning The Beard Of The Most Holy Ancient One Chapter 7. Concerning The Brain And The Wisdom In General Chapter 8. Concerning The Father And The Mother In Special Chapter 9. Concerning Microprosopus And His Bride In General Chapter 10. Concerning Microprosopus In Especial, With Certain Digressions; And Concerning The Edomite Kings Chapter 11. Concerning The Brain Of Microprosopus And Its Connections Chapter 12. Concerning The Hair Of Microprosopus Chapter 13. Concerning The Forehead Of Microprosopus Chapter 14. Concerning The Eyes Of Microprosopus Chapter 15. Concerning The Nose Of Microprosopus Chapter 16. Concerning The Ears Of Microprosopus Chapter 17. Concerning The Countenance Of Microprosopus Chapter 18. Concerning The Beard Of Microprosopus Chapter 19. Concerning The Lips And Mouth Of Microprosopus Chapter 20. Concerning The Body Of Microprosopus Chapter 21. Concerning The Bride Of Microprosopus Chapter 22. Concerning The Remaining Members Of Microprosopus 游客,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请《卡巴拉揭秘》THE KABALLAH UNVEILED 回复《THE COMPLETE GOLDEN DAWN SYSTEM OF MAGIC》中还提到了很多有高价值的黄金黎明文献,其中很多社里都没有上传过。以后我会将这些书籍一一搬运过来。








卡巴拉教义的核心思想是“树 of Life”,这是一个用来描述宇宙结构和人类心灵的象征图形。树的根部代表了上帝,树的枝干和叶子代表了宇宙的各个层次和领域。














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