小鸡卡巴拉英文版A unique and humorous — and also practical — approach to the increasingly popular study of Qabalah. This is a seriously funny book Traditional Qabalistic (or Cabalistic, or, indeed, Kabbalistic — read this book to find out what the difference is…we know you\’ve always wondered) sources tend to be a bit, er, dry. DuQuette spices up the Qabalah and makes it come alive, restoring the joy of learning the fundamentals of this admittedly arcane system by using simple, amusing anecdotes and metaphors. This account, written psuedepigraphically (fictitiously attributed to a supposed authority), allows DuQuette as Rabbi Lamed Ben Clifford to soar to outrageous heights and, when necessary, stand apart from the silliness to highlight the golden eggs of Qabalistic wisdom nested therein. Sure to be a revelation to those who think that learning about the Qabalah needs to be tedious and serious, DuQuette shows that great truths can be transmitted through the medium of laughter. * A Dilettante\’s Guide to What You Do and Do Not Need to Know to Become a Qabalist .
Lon Milo DuQuette, Rodney Orpheus
List of FiguresForeword—My Life with the Rabbi, by Rodney OrpheusIntrosrcction: ConfessionChapter 0. Who Was Rabbi Lamed Ben Clifford?Chapter 1. Frequently Asked Questions About Chicken QabalahChapter 2. The Ten Command-RantsChapter 3. The Sepher YetzirahChapter 4. The Hebrew AlphabetChapter 5. The Ineffable Name of God and the Ark of the CovenantChapter 6. The Four Qabalistic Worlds and the Four Parts of the SoulChapter 7. The Tree of LifeChapter 8. Qabalistic Magick and the Tree of LifeChapter 9. The Chicken Tarot and the Holy Guardian AngelChapter 10. Last Lecture—Games Qabalists PlayEpilogue: Shem-ha-Mephorash—The Rabbi\’s Last 72 WordsNotesGlossaryBibliography
如果你总是在思索,同样都译为卡巴拉的这三个字── Qabalah、Kabbalah及Cabala──到底有什么差别? 那些歪歪扭扭的符号到底跟自己的生命有什么关系? 如果你实在读不了冗长沉闷的学术性卡巴拉书籍, 但还是对卡巴拉到底在讲什么感到好奇的话,那么── 《小鸡卡巴拉》就是完全为你量身打造的书籍哦! 这本书以非常有趣又相当实际的方式, 讲述一门够格用「神祕」来形容的学问。 杜奎特藉由容易理解、让人会心一笑的逸事及比喻来解释古老真理, 也就是人与宇宙奥祕的关系, 而使我们重新找回学习这门基础祕法系统的快乐。 杜奎特将自身话语与滑稽写作分开, 藉由笔下虚构人物教士本柯立孚德的言论, 点出蕴藏于金蛋里面的智慧。 使祕法的追随者得以放鬆下来、把怀疑搁在旁边, 不再受菁英主义左右,一路欢笑走上生命之树!本书特色 ◎专门赫密士卡巴拉神祕家的人所撰写,经过改良、最风趣的新式卡巴拉书。 ◎藉由与虚构人物,疯癫教士本柯立孚德的对话,呈现不凡的祕法智慧。 ◎详述卡巴拉的DNA——塔罗对应,实际将卡巴拉运用在读牌的範例。作者介绍作者简介隆.麦罗.杜奎特(Lon Milo DuQuette) 隆.麦罗.杜奎特已被书评家认为是魔法及西方灵性传统领域最能娱乐人心的作家。其直率表达常有嘲讽之意,所以他的着作、研讨会与工作坊都让读者及观众产生出欢乐、讨厌与惊奇混在一起的有趣感受。他撰有多本魔法着作,包括《真意之法》(The Magick of Thelema)、《仪式魔法塔罗牌》(The Tarot of Ceremonial Magick)及《新千禧年的天使、魔鬼与神祇》(Angels, Demons & Gods of the New Millennium)。而他最近的着作是自传《与灵相伴的一生》(My Life with the Spirits),该书业已获颁奖项,而未来主义者暨畅销书作家罗勃特.安通.威尔森(Robert Anton Wilson)也认为这本书是「……西方神祕学最周全的介绍书籍──合情、合理、踏实,且相当诙谐。」 杜奎特自一九七五年起即担任「东方圣殿骑士会」(Ordo Templi Orientis, O.T.O.)的国内与国际管理干部,该会是二十世纪最具影响力的魔法社团之一。他是业经美国塔罗协会(American Tarot Association)认证的塔罗宗师(Certified Tarot Grand Master),也是国际塔罗协会的重要会员。他认为自己能够娶到康斯坦丝.杜奎特(Constance DuQuette)(他们在高中相恋),算是自己在魔法的最大成就──而他们现在已经结婚三十五年啰。小鸡卡巴拉英文版游客,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请回复
有需要联系v;hx-hx4 摘要:《The Chicken Qabalah of Rabbi Lamed Ben Clifford》是一本探讨奇异、有趣和独特的卡巴拉学的书籍。全书分为4个部分,分别从神秘主义的起源、卡巴拉学的基本概念、卡巴拉学的符号和体系以及卡巴拉学的实践等方面进行详细阐述。通过对卡巴拉学的深入剖析,读者能够获得对神秘主义哲学和犹太教传统的更深入理解。